Don’t forget your charging cords that go with the device.

It’s that time of year again! The library will collect all library books and FCS-issued devices on Thursday, May 19th during virtual periods. Students should bring their device to the 2nd floor of the eXchange and follow signage to return their devices.

Who does not need to return a device on Thursday, May 19th?

  • Students taking a final on Monday, May 23rd.
    • If you are taking a final,  you must return your device following your last final.
  • Any student who is taking a summer school, Fulton Virtual, or GAVS course over the summer. *This is a change from previous communication from the county.
    • Students must return their device to IA front office once their coursework is complete.

Why is Fulton County collecting devices?

Fulton County Schools is collecting all student devices for summer clean. This helps the county get an accurate inventory of all devices, fix broken or damaged devices, and clean the devices.

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