In Healthcare students are beginning to study the cardiovascular system.  They will be learning how to accurately measure vital signs, set up an EKG, blood typing and be introduced to phlebotomy. 

Students are continuing to work on Anatomy projects, researching systemic circulation and creating life size anatomical drawings.  HOSA is running a student fund raiser selling “reindeer hugs” an opportunity to send Holiday messages to friends and staff. 

This past week students participated in a virtual patient care challenge during Tesla time with prizes being awarded to the top scorers.  Payment is due next week for the Spring Competition Regional pre-test that will take place in January.  Information was sent through students E-mail and posted on teams and Remind.

In our IA Biotechnology classes we have been learning about SARS-Covid-19 antigen rapid tests and serological antibody tests through the process of ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay).

Students have been setting up ELISA tests to detect the presence of specific antibodies in mammalian serum as a model for covid-19/human interactions. We have also performed antigen tests using ELISA to simulate the inexpensive lateral flow rapid tests that are becoming a essential part in rapid covid-19 testing.

As an introduction to this biotechnology, students first learned about the adaptive immune system and clonal selection theory of antibodies and applied this knowledge to the ELISA testing.  

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