IA students inducted into the Fulton County Youth Commission

IA Students Maya Cunningham, Yash Varakala, and Prisha Shah were inducted into the Fulton County Youth Commission last week. Congratulations to three students for representing IA so well and being Here are some thoughts by Maya and Yash:

Maya: This year I was inducted into the Fulton County Youth Commission, for a second year, as the Social Progress Committee Head, representing District One. I heard about the opportunity of being a youth commissioner of Fulton County from Mrs. Restler here at Innovation Academy. I decided to apply, as the opportunity to have a voice on behalf of the youth in Fulton County intrigued me. As the head and member of FCYC’s Social Progress Committee, I have been able to contribute to the making of our College and Career Guide for high school students to understand all future options after High School, educate students on the harms of under the influence driving, and organize and distribute HOPE boxes full of life necessities for those in need. We also work together as one Commission by volunteering for events such as toy drives for the Holidays, and food drives for Thanksgiving, and more. Being a youth commissioner has allowed me to think and act on what our youth in Fulton County needs, and I hope to inspire and encourage my fellow youth to take action as well and apply to the Fulton County Youth Commission.

Yash: Attending Innovation Academy has propelled me into a world of opportunity and has placed me at the forefront of influencing change in my community through STEM and public speaking. This year, I was inducted into the Fulton County Youth Commission, serving as the eyes and ears of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners. By serving under FCYC’s Health Committee, I witnessed the immense health disparities plaguing our community and was motivated to use my abilities in educating students regarding the avoidance of drugs and the importance of mental health. FCYC has captivated me with its leadership opportunities, and I highly encourage my fellow students to apply and bring a voice to those who don’t have one.

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