Hi, my name is Shruthi Nuthi, and I am a sophomore at IA. Currently, I am taking Essentials to Healthcare, as I aspire to be a medical professional. Outside classes, I usually hang out with my friends, listen to music, or draw. I am very excited to be a student staff member, and I can’t wait to be able to document all the amazing things that happen this year! 

Hi! I’m Rohini Roy, a sophomore here at IA. I’m currently taking classes for both the Healthcare and IT pathways (Essentials & AP CSP) and struggling through PT2 for AP Seminar. When I’m not studying, you can usually find me writing an article for the Beacon (super excited about getting to shine a light on exemplary students + adding new, interactive sections that students and staff can enjoy), reading a book, talking to my friends, or taking a nap 🙂 I’m looking forward to interacting with the people here at IA and make the Beacon an opportunity for our school to truly shine! 

Hi, my name is Kylie Mumma, and I am a freshman at IA. My favorite part of IA is the healthcare wing because there’s a lot of very fascinating devices for people that are interested in the healthcare field. I enjoy all my friends here at IA and our fantastic teachers. I am excited and honored to have this opportunity to be a writer for the Beacon. I can’t wait to see all the amazing articles that my classmates and I write.  

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