In Geometry, students learned how to find volume of 3D composite shapes through designing their own swimming pool.  Students were asked to create their pool using a combination of at least 3 3D shapes (cylinders, cones, prisms, etc).  They were then tasked to find the volume of their pool and determine how many gallons of water they would need to fill the pool.  Our engineering students have been using a program called Fusion 360 in their classes, which created an awesome cross curricular opportunity for us to utilize the skills students already have to 3D print their pools. We had students who trained their peers on the program, which was amazing to watch.  Students displaying their skills to help others is one of the best things to witness as a teacher.  Our students designed their pools in the Fusion 360 program and printed them in our state-of-the-art 3D printing lab! 

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