Dear Parents and Guardians,

The Department of Program Evaluation is currently evaluating the FCS School Nutrition Program. As part of this evaluation, we are surveying students in 3rd – 12th grades about their experiences, preferences, and opinions about school nutrition.

FCS has contracted with Gibson Consulting to evaluate this program and conduct the survey. All survey information is anonymous and will be used to guide decision-making to improve the FCS School Nutrition Program.

The survey will open on March 25th and will take no more than 10 minutes to complete. As a parent or guardian, you have the right to view the survey questions in advance. Please contact your student’s principal if you have any questions or concerns. Please get in touch with your child’s principal if you wish to view the survey questions.

Please note that the district is also conducting a survey on school security at the same time. Thus, if you have a student in a different school, they may take that survey instead. The district used random selection to assign each school only one survey for their students to take to reduce the number of surveys we ask of students.

Thank you.

Link to the survey: Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management

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