Innovation Academy (IA) recently welcomed Mrs. Karas, an enthusiastic educator with a deep passion for teaching and a commitment to nurturing student growth. In an exclusive interview, Mrs. Karas shared her experiences and aspirations, shedding light on her background in education and the exciting journey she envisions for IA.

Background in Education

Mrs. Karas discovered Innovation Academy through an email from her administration as she was applying to high schools in Fulton County. Her journey in education began with a dual degree in English and English Education from the University of Georgia. She took her first steps as a teacher at Clarke Central High School in Athens, Georgia. With a fervent interest in integrating digital tools and social media into the classroom, she aspires to acquire her Master’s in Instructional Technology in the near future.

Teaching Experience at IA

Teaching at Innovation Academy has been a “breath of fresh air” for Mrs. Karas. She expresses her gratitude for the supportive culture and staff, who are a wonderful support system for her. The students’ passion for learning and the school’s emphasis on authentic learning and design thinking have fueled her motivation. At IA, she is encouraged to continuously learn and adjust her teaching style, focusing on lessons that foster student experimentation and real-world discussions.

Proud Achievements

Mrs. Karas is a very helpful teacher, and it helps when she tells us about her proudest moments. Her ninth-grade students held truly insightful discussions centered around the dystopian novel Scythe. They compared the novel’s complex themes with real-world issues, including capital punishment, artificial intelligence, surveillance, and overpopulation. Meanwhile, her tenth graders collaborated with Ms. Turner to utilize rhetorical appeals and choices to persuade their peers to act on personal, relevant issues. Her students are also not afraid to write outside traditional essay formats.

Future Plans at IA

Looking ahead, Mrs. Karas aspires to engage her students with more projects that have an authentic audience and purpose. She aims to bridge the gap between academic writing and the real world by showcasing the presence of writing in various forms, from advertisements to podcasts. Moreover, she plans to collaborate with community clubs and organizations to have students create impactful writing that supports their missions and goals.

Mrs. Karas also has a wonderful idea in mind – starting a poetry club at IA. She envisions hosting poetry slams and performances, providing a platform for students to express themselves and have their voices heard.

A Fun Fact About Mrs. Karas

Although she enjoys books, poetry, and short stories with complex meanings and messages, she is also a victim of a “mind-numbing virus” called reality television. She admires anything beginning with “Housewives” and “takes satisfaction in watching people scream at one another from the top of their lungs over petty and scripted issues.” She claims that it is almost as concerning as her coffee addiction!

–        Article written by Allen Kalliath

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