Ms. Rice’s and Dr. Gingrich’s AP English Lang and Comp Classes took a field trip to the National Center for Civil and Human Rights in Centennial Park in Atlanta. The trip was a fantastic supplement to our study of Human Rights. Eleventh-grader, Tina Azarm commented that “the field trip was a great opportunity for us to learn more about global issues occurring in our world. As an AP Lang student looking to gain more insight into historical issues, I saw many interesting artifacts relating to historical time periods such as Martin Luther King Jr.’s peaceful protests and stories about segregation in the 1900s. Walking through the museum allowed us to take a glimpse into what life was like decades ago.” This was a thought-provoking experience and the students benefitted tremendously from seeing the design and phenomenal content of the center, including many of the original documents of MLK’s March on Washington from the Morehouse Collection, as well as representations of Human Rights activists from around the world. Special thanks to Mr. Campbell, Dr. Maloney, and Ms. Cramer for helping to chaperone the event.

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