Good afternoon IA families, 

I’m excited for the end of the year. Tonight, we are traveling to Six Flags with our seniors to learn all about physics and heart attacks, so it’ll be a great authentic learning experience. 

Today is our last Flex Friday of the year. It’s been a great year for learning, but we know it isn’t perfect. If you have any feedback on Flex Fridays, please take a moment to send me an email, so we can bring that to the team as we revamp for next year. 

An important note for today: I sent out an email with a survey link to 9th and 12th grade students and parents. This is our SGC survey, and it is important that we get your feedback on how we have done meeting your expectations. We are proud of the work we’ve done, but we will always be n percent wrong, and with your help, we can be n-1 percent wrong. 

Senior parents, please make sure you are checking with your students about what they need to get done as we move closer to graduation. There are a lot of moving parts, and we’ve been working hard to ensure you have all the information you need. It’s a lot, so reviewing with your students is important. 

Finally, we are right at the end of the year, and it’s easy for students to start their summer before their summer, and this can end up ruining their summer! Please make sure they understand how important it is to finish strong. 

Thank you as always for all your support. 

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