An Interview with IA Esports Championship Team

“The match was tied 2-1” explained Evelyn Steele, player for IA’s Esports team,
“The clock ticked into overtime, but Matas G. had saved his special, letting us retake the
objective and win!” The PlayVS State Championships held at the University of West
Georgia had concluded with a decisive Innovation Academy victory.

To get here, the team held practices every Monday and Tuesdays. Mondays
primarily consisted of training within in the school and matches against other schools
on Tuesdays. Consistent victories in these Tuesday matches helped secure IA’s spot at
the championships. Evelyn also stated that she practiced plenty outside of school, both
with the rest of the team and by herself.

With this victory under their belt, the team comprising of Evelyn S., Matas G.,
Jayden H., David H., and Candace B. wants to keep practicing and eventually make it to
nationals. Congrats IA Esports!

-Samanyu B.

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