Audition Information HERE! IA Drama Club presents Mamma Mia! Fall 2023

Audition Materials found in Google Drive here:

Start preparing your virtual audition for Mamma Mia! now! Review the instructions for the video in the Google Drive folder linked above; you will need a Google account to access it. Begin your journey at the _Start Here_ folder to review exactly what your video audition should include depending on which character you intend to audition for. There will be an Audition Form that you will need to turn in to my classroom before the deadline next August. You can pick up the form at the beginning of the 2023-24 school year. Mrs. M, our community director, and I put together instructions for each character for you to practice over the summer. 

Remember, only one or two of you may get the role you originally audition for. We move students around all the time based on vocal skill, acting ability, strength of their audition overall, and their willingness to play another role. I want to remind you all to not limit yourself based on what your friends and colleagues plan to audition for. They do not cast the shows: directors and panel judges do. Go for the role you want the most, the one you’re afraid of, the one you’re not sure you can do yet. Just go for it.

Visit this Google Drive link for instructions for auditions, and start rehearsing today! You have all summer to perfect your vocal performance, monologue, and choreography sample. We will be posting an example audition video in the Start Here folder for reference soon. Best of luck!

  • Ms. Holland, IA Drama Club Faculty Sponsor and Creative Director

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